Monday, January 27, 2020
Discharge of Water through a Spherical Orifice
Discharge of Water through a Spherical Orifice There are multiple factors that affect the discharge of water through a spherical orifice. These can include the height of water above the incision, the cross sectional area of the hole and the shape of the hole that the fluid is flowing through [New Century Senior Physics 2004]. But first of all, what is fluid? à à Fluids are defined as any substance that cannot sustain any tangential or shearing force while maintaining its form at rest, basically any substance in the form of a gas or liquid [Britannica 2017]. They generally have no fixed shape and when exposed to stress, the fluid will experience a continuous change [Britannica 2017]. Flow is a universal property for all fluids [Britannica 2017]. For liquids in particular, the flow is influenced by the acceleration due to gravity. If the fluid is non-viscous and incompressible, while the flow of the fluid is steady, then this flow can be seen from an energy perspective [Fluid Mechanics and Bernoullis Principle 1999]. In pipes, there are two factors to allow a fluid to flow, the first method is to tilt the pipe so the fluid gains Gravitational Potential Energy [Fluid Mechanics and Bernoullis equation 1999]. This is defined as the stored energy that liquids or solids with mass possess that is dependent on the acceleration due to gravity and the respective height the object or substance above the ground [Hyperphysics 2017]. When the pipe has been tilted enough, the flow will be downhill, this moment is where the accumulated gravitational potential energy is transferred to kinetic energy, the energy of motion, hence creating the flow of a fluid [Fluid Mechanics and Be rnoullis Principle 1999]. The law of conservation of energy states that for any physical or chemical change, energy cannot be created nor destroyed, this describes this procedure of the energy transfer previously mentioned [Madden et al. 2004]. {FLOW} The second method to make a fluid flow is to increase the pressure at one end of the pipe so it is larger than the pressure accumulated on the other end. This in turn creates a pressure difference which acts as a net force, accelerating the fluid through the pipe which is known as flow [Fluid Dynamics and Bernoullis Principle 1999]. Jets are a common form of fluid flow. They are defined as a fluid discharged forcefully through a narrow opening or orifice, resulting in a stream like motion [Meriam Webster 2017]. One of the main components of the jet is its velocity, this is affected by multiple factors including the holes size and shape, the fluids pressure and viscosity, even the medium which it passes through can, inhibit the jets potential velocity. If the composition of the jets fluid is somewhat identical with a stationary medium surrounding the flow, the jet can be classed a submerged jet [Farlex Inc 2017]. Examples of this flow are the air currents through a still atmosphere, this is because the fluid is air and the surrounding media is also air [Farlex Inc 2017]. There are many other forms of jets including free jets which are the opposite from submerged, they are where the jet passes through unbounded mediums. Semi-contained jets occur when the jet passes along a flat surface while confined jets exist in mediums bounded by solid surfaces, for example a pipe with a diameter larger than that of the inlet [Farlex Inc. 2017]. {Jets, discharge, vena contracta?} When fluid jets are in motion, their cross sectional area is quite often subject to contracting. The site of this contraction is known as the natural phenomenon of vena contracta, which can be defined as any of the locations in a jet of fluid emerging from and orifice where the flows cross sectional area is at its minimum [, LLC 2016]. Vena contracta usually occurs as a result of the fluids streamlines converging as they approach an orifice [Calvert J.B. 2003]. Generally, this leads to the cross sectional area of the jet decreasing slightly until the pressure in the cross-section has been equalized, it is also at this point where the jet experiences its maximum velocity in its flow [Calvert J.B. 2003]. Beyond the site of vena contracta, the jets streams start to diverge as a result of friction and drag caused by the jet flowing through another fluid, in this case, the air surrounding the flow [Calvert J.B. 2003]. The cross-sectional area will increase while the jet decel erates from the surrounding fluid as a result which is why the jet can be seen transforming from a constant flow to small droplets. Jets are held together by surface tension which is why they generally do not continue to be a perfect flow, this tension has a stronger effect the smaller the diameter of the jet [J.B. Calvert 2003]. This is why decreasing the size of the orifice will lead to an increase in the displacement of the jet from the container because by decreasing the cross section, the jet will accumulate more velocity at vena contracta. Pressure is another factor that affects the displacement of the jet from the orifice. If the pressure accumulated inside the container is substantially high, the fluid tends to compress in a closed container [Spence Regan 2007]. However, if the fluid is incompressible like water, an increase in pressure will generally lead the fluid molecules to basically push up against the walls of the container as it attempts to decompress back to the normal atmospheric pressure surrounding the container [Spence Regan 2007]. Because of this, when a leak has been sprung in a container consisting of a pressurized fluid, the fluid will be inclined to escape, and with more pressure, the faster the fluids discharging velocity will be [Khan Academy 2017]. Naturally, especially when dealing with water as a fluid, pressure is most commonly affected by and directly proportional to the height of the waters (fluids) surface above the specific measured location, or the depth of the location from that surface [Madden et al. 2004]. The reason for this is because the height of the fluid administers a mass over that specific location, which then, assuming that the fluid analysed is influenced by the acceleration due to gravity, a force will be produced as stated in the equation below [Madden et al. 2004]. or [Madden et al. 2004] This accumulated force will result in Pressure through the equation Where: P= Pressure (Pa) f=force (N) A=Area (m2) [Madden et al. 2004] However in fluid mechanics, another more accurate equation is required, this is known as Bernoullis equation which relates to Bernoullis Principle. This principle is based on the law of conservation of energy and states that a fluids pressure decreases when it is subjected to increased velocities, vice versa [Madden et al. 2004]. The pressure, velocity or heights of surfaces above the hole in most fluids are related to the same parameters at a second point through Bernoullis equation as stated below [Fluid Dynamics and Bernoullis equation 1999]. Where: P=Pressure (Pa) à à =Density (kgm-3) v=Velocity of Fluid (ms-1) g=Acceleration due to gravity (ms-2) h=Height (m) [Madden et al. 2004] The pressure of a fluid at depth can be given through a derivative of Bernoullis equation. Where: Ph=the pressure at depth (Pa) à à =density of fluid (kgm-3) g=acceleration due to gravity (9.81ms-2) h=the height of the fluids surface, in this case the water, above the specific location where Pressure at depth is measured. Ptop = the pressure at the fluids surface (Pa) [Madden et al. 2004]. This equation can be used to find the pressure at certain points like at the same level as the orifice inside the bottle [Madden et al. 2004]. For this experiment however, the pressure will be measured and calculated at the same level as the orifice and since the pressure at the fluids surface can also be considered as the air temperature inside the room this will also be used in the equation. For eg, If the waters density, the acceleration due to gravity and the air pressure were kept at constant while the height of the surface above a certain location was increased, then the Pressure at that location should also increase like so [Madden et al. 2004]. If à à =1000kgm-3, Ptop=94500Pa and g=9.81ms-2 When h= 10m [Madden et al. 2004] This is important in many applications like dams, towns and especially high rise buildings. Water will need to be mechanically pushed up to the top of a building so people at the top floors can have sufficient water to have a shower [Madden et al. 2004]. It is also because of this understanding of fluid mechanics that hilly cities often build water towers or reservoirs at the top of hills or mountains to help accumulate this needed pressure to effectively distribute water to the population [Madden et al. 2004]. Pressure can directly affect the exit velocity of the fluid being discharged as it flows out through an opening in any form of container or reservoir. This is known as the velocity of efflux and is determined through many similar formulae. The most common is derived from Torricellis theorem which is about the relationship between the height of the fluid above the orifice, and the exit velocity of the fluid projected from a sharp edged orifice [Boundless 2016]. The law also states that the speed (velocity) of a liquid flowing under the influence of gravity out of an orifice in a reservoir is directly proportional to the square root of the vertical distance between the surface of the liquid and orifice and the square root twice the acceleration due to gravity [Britannica 2017]. The equation that relates to this theorem is stated below. Where: Vi= Velocity of Efflux (ms-1) g= Acceleration due to gravity h= Height of the fluids surface above the orifice This velocity is a result from a transfer of potential energy to kinetic energy [Boundless 2016]{Torricellis Law and height/Displacement} Other deviations of this equation can be used to factor in for orifice and container sizes like displayed below. Where: A= Area of Container (m2) a= Area of Orifice (m2) [CalcTown 2017] In this case the areas can be calculated using the standard area formula for a circle. According to calculations using this formula however, velocities are not effected significantly from changing the containers area or even the orifices area. But the area of the orifice seems to affect this velocity more adversely than the area of the bottle which is why changing the area of the bottle will not be tested in the experiment [CalcTown 2017]. Orifices also come in many different shapes or categories. The most common of these is the sharp edged orifice which is a simple hole [lmnoeng 2016]. Other common orifices include smooth edged, short tube and borda which appears to be a short tube on the interior of the container. Each different hole affects the velocities and displacements of the jet as the jet is subjected to either more or less friction and drag through each different hole type [lmnoeng 2016]. This results in many different coefficients of discharge and velocity which can then be inserted into equations. The orifice types are displayed below. According to multiple experiments the average coefficients of velocity for each orifice have been determined. The orifices that will be used for this experiment are the Sharp edged, Short tube and Borda because the Rounded orifice is too hard to replicate using the resrouces on hand. The sharp edged orifice has an average velocity coefficient of 0.98 as well as the borda hole. The short tube has a velocity coefficient of 0.8 [LMNOeng 2016]. The equation that can implement this coefficient is a derivative of Toricellis The viscosity of the fluid can also affect a fluids flow displacement out of an orifice. Viscosity is defined as the resistance of flow and is the result of the interaction and friction between different molecules in a fluid, at a molecular level [rheosense 2017]. A substance that has high viscosity has high friction and flows through an orifice slowly, this in turn means that it would not be displaced very far from the hole, an example of this is honey [rheosense 2017]. Viscosity can be decreased with an increase in temperature [Viscopedia 2017]. Water however is said to have a low viscosity, so this temperature change theoretically should not affect its discharge to much which is why temperature will not be a variable that will be tested [Viscopedia 2017]. To determine each of the horizontal displacements that the jet will theoretically travel, the cross sectional area of the 1.25L soft drink bottle (A) needs to be calculated first through the simple area equation for a circle. This will be used universally to calculate the Velocity of Efflux. [Simson Rowland 2010] Since this first experiment is testing the displacement of water through a diameter change, the cross sectional area of the orifice (a) needs to be calculated next. The height of the surface as a variable is kept at a constant 0.012m, while for this example, the diameter of the orifice is 3.18mm. [Simpson Rowland 2010] Then the pressure at depth can also be calculated next from Bernoullis standard fluid equation and for this first experiment, the pressure determined will be the same for each hole size being tested. Assuming that the pressure at the surface of the fluid is 94500Pa, the density of water is 1000kgm-3 and the height of the surface above the orifice is 0.12m, the pressure of the fluid at the same level as the orifice should be given below. [Madden et al. 2004] A deviation of Toricellis equation can then be used to determine the velocity of efflux with in the jet. The value calculated can be used to determine the theoretical displacement of the jet. [CalcTown 2015] And now the maximum displacement the water is expected to discharge can be found using another deviation of Torricellis equation that has been rearranged slightly to fit requirements. Assume that the orifice height from the bottle is 0.19m above the location where horizontal displacement is measured (ruler). m [Calvert, J.B. 2003] Therefore based off theses assumptions and calculations, theoretically, when the jet starts flowing from a surface height of 0.12m and an orifice diameter of 3.18mm, the fluid should be displaced about 0.302m from the orifice. The theoretical displacements of the water are displayed in the table and graph below. Theoretical Displacement from Diameter Change (test 1) Diameter (mm) Velocity of efflux (ms-1) Displacement (m) 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.18 1.53 0.30 4.76 1.53 0.30 6.35 1.53 0.30 These displacements are the same, however by increasing the hole size, the displacement does increase however by not a large amount as displayed in the graph below. Due to background research above, the theoretical displacements of the water in experiment 2 can be determined from each of the heights that will be used. Beginning at the surface height of 0.04m, theoretical displacements can be determined from the following calculations assuming that the jet is not affected by air resistance and the pressure at the surface of the fluid is 94500Pa. [Madden et al. 2004] So the pressure at the hole should be 94892.4Pa. The velocity of the jet can then be calculated using the areas calculated before and the same deviation of Torricellis law. [CalcTown 2015] Using this value calculated, the horizontal displacement can be determined using the equation from experiment 1, still assuming that the height of the orifice above the location of measuring is 0.19m. [Calvert, J.B 2003] Therefore the expected horizontal displacement when the height of the surface is 0.04m is 0.174m. The other results calculated using these formulae are displayed in the table and graph below. Theoretical Displacement from Height Change (Test 2) Height (m) Velocity of efflux (ms-1) Displacement (m) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.89 0.17 0.12 1.53 0.30 0.20 1.98 0.40 A new set of equations will need to be used to determine the velocity of efflux, seeing as the formulae previously used only factors in surface heights, orifice and bottle sizes. This formula will need to utilize the coefficient of velocity for each hole shape as this coefficient supposedly changes with a change in hole type. Beginning with the first hole, borda (interior tube), we will assume that the height will be 0.12m, air resistance does not affect discharge and the coefficient of velocity will be the same as the average researched for this hole, 0.98. A deviation of Torricellis equation will be used to incorporate this coefficient into calculating the velocity of efflux but first the pressure inside the bottle will need to be calculated. [Madden et al. 2004] Now the Velocity of efflux will be calculated as previously mentioned, also assuming the same factors previously mentioned. [LMNO Engineering, Research, and Software, Ltd 2015] Using this velocity, the expected horizontal displacement of the jet can then be calculated using the same equation and method used in previous tests. [Calvert J.B. 2003] Therefore the expected displacement the jet should be displaced using a Borda orifice is 0.296m, that is if all assumptions made come into effect in the experiment. All results calculated using this same format and assumptions are displayed in the table and graph below. The other orifice use different coefficients to be calculated, it is assumed that for the Sharp edged orifice, the velocity coefficient will be 0.98 like Borda, and for the short tube, the coefficient is 0.80.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Choral Speaking Script
Choral Speaking Script! (official) L : LEFT, R: RIGHT. first row : number 1, second row: number 2 and third row: number 3. L&R2,3: Guys, the choral speaking competition is next week! L&R1: Oh My God, what are we going to talk about?! R123 :Hmm.. Letââ¬â¢s talk about FOOD! Mmm yum yum yum L123: No No No! Letââ¬â¢s talk aboutâ⬠¦. BOO! GHOSTS? *Yeah* Uuuuuâ⬠¦ Lydia: No guys, letââ¬â¢s talk about something we ALL have in common! L&R 123: What, our parentsââ¬â¢ nagging?! Lydia: No, Iââ¬â¢m talking about music! L1,2,3: Music?! R1,2,3:Music?! ALL: Mu~sic!Even the word is music to our ears! ALL: A very good morning to the honorable judges, teachers and friends. Today, whether you want to hear it or not, weââ¬â¢re going to tell you all about music! L1,2,3: So, sit back, and relax R1,2,3: But donââ¬â¢t fall asleep ALL: Andâ⬠¦. Enjoy the show! ALL: As teens, music plays a HUGE part in our everyday lives! I bet most of us can't live without music! We all have iPo ds, MP3s and even our handphones have music! All around us thereââ¬â¢s musicââ¬âon the radio, television and even our surroundings! L;R2,3:The ticking of the clock..L;R1: Tick tock, tick tock L;R2,3: The tweeting of the birdsâ⬠¦ L;R1: Tweet-tweet, tweet-tweet! ALL: EVERYTHING has its own natural rhythm and beat that forms its own music! Now, let us bring you b~ack in timeâ⬠¦ To see how music has evolved! ALL: In the seventies, pop dominated the airwaves! Can you imagine Ourà grandparents grooved to Stevie Wonder and the Beatlesââ¬â(I wanna hold your hand~) L1,2,3: Who?! R1,2,3:à WEà donââ¬â¢t have a clue! ALL: ââ¬ËPop musicââ¬â¢ actually came from the word ââ¬Ëpopular musicââ¬â¢. Over time, it made its own genre as we know today.Its basis covers several different genres of music: jazz, rock, soul, r;b Creating a fusion of sound that evolves into pop music as we know it! Over time, pop musicââ¬â¢s popularity increased by the rise of MTV, whi ch popularized artists such asà Michael Jackson,Madonnaà andà Prince. ALL: T~hen, in the eighties, a new genre of music was born! Disco, babeyh! The ââ¬Å"disco soundâ⬠is so unique it defies description! It draws on many influences: Jazz, Latin, popââ¬âall that produces a feet-tapping melody. It mostly consists of dance beats that makes you want toââ¬â L2,3:ââ¬âBust a move! R2,3: And break out your groove!L;R1:Okay, thatââ¬â¢s enough. ALL:With disco music came the fashion that most of us today would cringe at. L;R3: Bell bottoms L;R2:Puffy hair L;R1:Poodle skirts ALL: And even six inch platforms! ALL: Boy, Arenââ¬â¢t we glad weââ¬â¢re in the 21st century! ALL: In the ninetiesââ¬â Farah Natasha: WOHOO! ROCK AND ROLLL!!! (everyone looks) err, sorry. ALL:As we were s~aying, nineties brought rock music to a whole new level! Rock took a new definition. From the 80es beat, society practiced freedom of expression by rock music. From classic rock, sub-g enres quickly developed: pop-rock, blues-rock and glam rock.L1,2,3:And so, our trip down memory lane ends. R1,2,3:But the 21st century music begins! ALL: Pop. Techno. Rap. Rock. RNB. Soul. Metal. Hiphop. You name it! Even foreign music like Jrock and Kpop! Nadirah: ââ¬Å"Sorry sorry sorry sorryâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ALL:With so many genres of music, no wonder life is a symphony! ALL: Music influences teenagers in s~o many ways. L1,2,3: Hearing your favourite song on the radio can turn your day 360 degrees! R1,2,3: Itââ¬â¢s the most effective medium that teens use to break out of the funk. ALL: There is just so much meaning behind music nowadays!Music can also tell an artistââ¬â¢s life story, things they have been through, and even their opinion on certain views. L;R2,3: Songs about the environment, L;R1:[earth song! ] If they say, Why, why, tell 'em that it's human nature Why, why, does he do it that way L;R2,3: about love and friendship, L;R1:[falling for you! ] L;R2,3: and about li feââ¬â¢s experiences all give a positive impact to the listeners. ALL: Itââ¬â¢s the universal medium that everyone understands, even through the language barrier! From America to France, Germany to Zimbabwe, music is abundant and constant.Through the mass media, music from all walks of life are heard and enjoyed. ALL: We all need music in our lives. The steady beat of music calms the mind, heart and soul. Young or old, white or black, Caucasian or Asian, ev~eryone is united by this freedom of self-expression. As life goes on, new beats are discovered, new rhythms are explored and self expression begins again! No one can get bored or tired of music because it is ever-changing. ALL: In short, life without music would beâ⬠¦ (someone) : Devastating! (someone) : Boring! [cricket sound] ALL: It just simply wouldnt be life! Thank you!
Friday, January 10, 2020
American Temperance Society
The American Temperance Society (ATS), first known as the American Society for the Promotion of Temperance, was established in Boston, Massachusetts on February 13, 1826. The organization was co-founded by two Presbyterian ministers, Dr. Justin Edwards and the better-known Lyman Beecher. * Formation of the American Temperance Society marked the beginning of the first formal national temperance movement in the US. * The Temperance Movement was an organized effort during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to limit or outlaw the consumption and production of alcoholic beverages in the United States. By the mid 1830s, more than 200,000 people belonged to this organization. The American Temperance Society published tracts and hired speakers to depict the negative effects of alcohol upon people. Lyman Beecher was a prominent theologian, educator and reformer in the years before the American Civil War. * Lyman Beecher was a prominent theologian, educator and reformer in the years before the American Civil War. Beecher was born in 1775, in New Haven, Connecticut. He graduated from Yale College in 1797 and was ordained in the Presbyterian Church in 1799. He became a minister in Long Island, New York. In 1810, he accepted a position as minister in Litchfield, Connecticut. He became well known for his fiery sermons against intemperance and slavery. In 1826, he resigned his position in Litchfield and accepted a new one in Boston, Massachusetts. By this point, his reputation had spread across the United States. The church in Boston had more money to pay a minister of his standing. It also had a much larger congregation. In 1830, Beecher's church caught fire. A merchant who rented some rooms in the church stored whiskey in the basement. The whiskey somehow ignited. Beecher took this as a personal affront considering the sermons he delivered in the church's sanctuary against the evils of liquor. Neal Dow, temperance reformer, born in Portland, Maine, 20 March 1804. He is of Quaker parentage, attended the Friends' academy in New Bedford, Massachusetts, and was trained in mercantile and manufacturing pursuits. He was chief engineer of the Portland fire department in 1839, and in 1851 and again in 1854 was elected mayor of the City. He became the champion of the project for the prohibition of the liquor traffic, which was first advocated y James Appleton in his report to the Maine legislature in 1837, and in various speeches while a member of that body. * Through Mr. Dow's efforts, while he was mayor, the Maine liquor law, prohibiting under severe penalties the sale of intoxicating beverages, was passed in 1851. After drafting the bill, which he called ââ¬Å"A bill for the suppression of drinking houses and tippling shops,â⬠he submitted it to the principal friends of temperance in the City, but they all objected to its radical character, as certain to insure its defeat. It provided for the search of places where it was suspected that liquors intended for sale were kept, for the seizure, condemnation, and confiscation of such liquors, if found; and for the punishment of the persons keeping them by fine and imprisonment. Maine Law of 1851, The law was forced into existence by the mayor of Portland, Neal S. Dow. Its passage prohibited the sale of alcohol except for medical or manufacturing purposes. By 1855, there were 12 states in the U. S who joined Maine in what became known as the ââ¬Å"dryâ⬠states. And the states which allowed alcohol were dubbed ââ¬Å"wetâ⬠states. ââ¬â The act was very unpopular among many working class people and many immigrants. That is when opposition to the law turned deadly by June 2, 1855 in Portland, Maine. It was rumored that Neal S. Dow was keeping a vast supply of alcohol within the city while denying it to the citizens of Portland. He was then called the ââ¬Å"Napoleon of Temperance,â⬠and to others, an unadulterated hypocrite. The alcohol which was allowed into Portland was supposed to be used for medicinal and mechanical reasons were valued at about $1,600. It was distributed to doctors and pharmacists as authorized by the Maine law. ââ¬â The Irish immigrant population of Portland, Maine was vocal critics of the Maine Law. They saw it as a thinly disguised attack on their culture based on stereotypes. The Irish community already distrusted Neal S. Dow. The Maine law that Dow sponsored had a mechanism whereby any three voters could apply for a search warrant based on suspicion of someone illegally selling liquor. â⬠The Father of American Educationâ⬠,â⬠Horace Mann, was born in Franklin, Massachusetts, in 1796. Mann's schooling consisted only of brief and erratic periods of eight to ten weeks a year. Mann educated himself by reading ponderous volumes from the Franklin Town Library. This self education, combined with the fruits of a brief period of study with an intinerant school master, was sufficient to gain him admission to the sophomore class of Brown University in 1816â⬠³ (4, Cremin). He went on to study law at Litchfield Law School and finally received admission to the bar in 1823 (15, Filler). In the year 1827 Mann won a seat in the state legislature and in 1833 ran for State Senate and won. Horace Mann felt that a common school would be the ââ¬Å"great equalizer. â⬠Poverty would most assuredly disappear as a broadened popular intelligence tapped new treasures of natural and material wealth. He felt that through education crime would decline sharply as would a host of moral vices like violence and fraud. In sum, there was no end to the social good which might be derived from a common school -In 1848 Mann resigned as Secretary of Education and went on to the U. S. House of Representatives and then took the post of President of Antioch College in 1852. He stayed at the college until his death in August 27, 1859. Two months before that he had given his own valedictory in a final address to the graduating class; â⬠I beseech you to treasure up in your hearts these my parting words: Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for Humanityâ⬠(27, Cremin). ââ¬â Mann had won his victory as the public school soon stood as one of the characteristic features of American life ââ¬â A ââ¬Å"wellspringâ⬠of freedom and a ââ¬Å"ladder of opportunityâ⬠for millions. William McGuffey, U. S. educator remembered chiefly for his series of elementary readers. McGuffey taught in the Ohio frontier schools and then at Miami University (1826 ââ¬â 36). His elementary school series, starting with The Eclectic First Reader, was published between 1836 and 1857. Collections of didactic tales, aphorisms, and excerpts from great books, the readers reflect McGuffey's view that the proper education of young people required their introduction to a wide variety of topics and practical matters. They became standard texts in nearly all states for the next 50 years and sold more than 125 million copies. In these years McGuffey also served as president of Cincinnati College (1836 ââ¬â 39) and of Ohio University, Athens (1839 ââ¬â 43). He was a founder of the common school system of Ohio. In 1845 he was elected to the chair of mental and moral philosophy at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, a position he held until his death. Noah Webster published his first dictionary of the English language in 1806, and in 1828 published the first edition of his An American Dictionary of the English Language. The work came out in 1828 in two volumes. It contained 12,000 words and from 30,000 to 40,000 definitions that had not appeared in any earlier dictionary. In 1840 the second edition, corrected and enlarged, came out, in two volumes. He completed the revision of an appendix a few days before his death, which occurred in New Haven on the 28th of May 1843. * Webster changed the spelling of many words in his dictionaries in an attempt to make them more phonetic. Many of the differences between American English and other English variants evident today originated this way. The modern convention of having only one acceptable and correct spelling for a word is due mostly to the efforts of Webster, in standardizing spelling. Prior to this, the popular sentiment toward spelling might have best been summed up by Benjamin Franklin who said that he ââ¬Å"had no use for a man with but one spelling for a word. â⬠* produced his own modern English translation of the Bible in 1833. Though an excellent and highly accurate translation, Websterââ¬â¢s Bible was not widely accepted, due to the continued popularity of the ancient King James version. It was, however, was the most significant English language translation of the scriptures to be done since the King James version of more than 200 years earlier. Mary Lyon, American educator, founder of Mt. Holyoke College, b. Buckland, Mass. She attended three academies in Massachusetts; later she taught at Ashfield, Mass. , Londonderry, N. H. , and Ipswich, Mass. Interested in promoting the higher education of women, she won the aid of several influential men and succeeded (1837) in establishing Mt.à Holyoke Female Seminary (later Mt. Holyoke College) at South Hadley, Mass. She served as principal for 12 years, directing the development of a well-rounded college program and emphasizing the principle of service to others. Emma Willard, Educator. Born Emma Hart on February 23, 1787, in Berlin, Connecticut. Emma Willard is remembered for her trailblazing efforts on behalf of womenââ¬â¢s education. Raised by a father who, while a farmer, encouraged her to read and think for herself, she attended a local academy rom 1802 to 1804 and then began teaching. ââ¬â In 1807 Emma Willard went to Middlebury, Vermont to head a female academy there. Two years later she married a local doctor named John Willard. She opened her own school, the Middlebury Female Seminary, in 1814 to provide advanced education that young women were denied by colleges. Her Addressâ⬠¦ Proposing a Plan for Improving Female Education (1819) was a much admired and influential proposal to get public support for advanced education for young women. Emma Willard moved to Troy, New York, in 1821, where she opened the Troy Female Seminary. (It was renamed the Emma Willard School in 1895. ) With both boarding and day students, in some respects it was the first U. S. institution of serious learning for young women, though even it recognized that most of its graduates would be housewives, not professionals, and most of its students came from families of means. The school actually made a profit, and she also earned money from the textbooks she wrote.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Technology Can Not Replace A Poor Teaching - 974 Words
There are now hundreds, if not thousands of different technological tools, software and educational web resources that can be used by a teacher to increase interaction among learners within the classroom (Shelly, Gunter, Gunter, 2012). Teachers in advantaged areas are better equipped to create differentiation success through digital technologies and provide the much needed support for students who suffer from attention deficits, hearing and visual impairments. Access to digital apps and online databases can encourage students to dig deeper through inquiry and investigation and support extended learning especially for gifted students (Woolfolk Margetts, 2013), but also allow students to move through the information at their own pace (Shelly, Gunter, Gunter, 2012). Even teachers who are able to incorporate gaming into the classroom support and develop visual skills of their students and can create digitally pedagogically valuable lesson through alternative methods, making learnin g more meaningful and fun for students (Woolfolk Margetts, 2013). But while ââ¬Å"technology can amplify great teaching, great technology cannot replace a poor teachingâ⬠(OECD, 2015, p. 4) with stronger effects on education being seen when computers were used to supplement traditional teaching, by using it for extended study and practice time, allowing students to take control and work at their own pace, and supporting collaborative learning. Teachers who are able to successively implementShow MoreRelatedTechnology vs Mankind865 Words à |à 4 PagesThe computer and internet,while being useful,can never replace the classroom and the teacher. Discuss. Yes. I would agree with that view. While the computer and internet provide a wealth of information and a source of entertainment,it is not the ideal environment for teaching and learning. The computer and the internet are like our textbooks and encylopedias. However,all-encompassing they are,they are still not replacements for the classroom and the teacher. One doesn t gain all the knowledgeRead MoreThe World Of The Knowledge Society924 Words à |à 4 Pagesknowledge economy primarily serves the private good. The knowledge society also incorporates the public good our school has to formulate young people for both of them. Schools today serve and shape the world in which there can be the great economic chance and improvement if people can learn to work more compliantly, invest in their future financial security, reskill or relocate themselves as the economy shifts around them, and value working innovatively and collaboratively. The world that schools serveRead MoreThe United States Of America938 Words à |à 4 Pagestime now. In the last century, technology all around the world has undergone dramatic changes, whether it is in communication, transportation, medicine, you name it. It is these implicit factors that help the unearthly, blind, American carry out its legacy in the sofa. Up until recently, technology was always seen as genuine, efficient inventions developed to promote the welfare of society. However, the same way technology can be a driving force to solve problems, it can be retardant. Now-a-days AmericansRead MoreNo Child Left Behind Essay797 Words à |à 4 Pagespreparation sometimes generated high test scores but it had nothing to do with education. According to The Death and Life Of The Great American School System, the author Diane Ravitch states, ââ¬Å"test should not follow the curriculum. They should not replace it or precede it. Students need a coherent foundation of knowledge and skills that grows stronger each yearâ⬠¦ a well educated person in the twenty- first century should have the opportunity to engage in creative and imaginative activities, not justRead MoreApplied Behavior Analysis : The Challenges Of Intellectional Education868 Words à |à 4 Pagesfrom several other studies involving students with various disabilities such as learning disabled (LD). According to Zein et al, previous studies have focused on the ââ¬Å"â⬠¦puzzling combination of average to above average word reading skills yet markedly poor reading comprehension among students with ASD;â⬠the unique challenge of this combination is caused by struggles to summarizing major plot events and identify or understand the perspective of characters (2015 p. 196). Furthermore, students with ASDRead MoreIs The Naplan A Psychological Test? Why Or Why Not?1701 Words à |à 7 Pagesan annual assessment for students in years 3, 5, 7 and 9 which utilises psychological principles is becoming more commonplace. Unlike psychological tests however, results can be boosted by a focus on â⠬Ëteaching to the testââ¬â¢ through refined curriculum and practice on previous years questions making it more indicative of teaching methods than students individual level of understanding (Carmichael, MacDonald, McFarland-Piazza, 2014). Likewise despite the establishment of uniformed administration, scoringRead MoreA Brief Note On Inequality And Technology On Today s World1281 Words à |à 6 PagesHolden August 5, 2014 English 955 Tony Asay Inequality and Technology Technology in todayââ¬â¢s world is one of the leading causes of inequality. Because of itââ¬â¢s major increase, availability and usefulness, it has cut the amount of jobs and opportunities for income. It is now getting in the way of a good education and taking away from personal interaction and education that can only be learned well on a one on one basis. Although technology has come a long way and it has improved large amounts of howRead MoreGenetic Engineering Research Paper1584 Words à |à 7 PagesGenetic engineering Explain how this technology works. Genetic engineering otherwise called genetic modification and can basically be described as the ââ¬Ëdirect manipulation of an organismââ¬â¢s genomeââ¬â¢ which is the complete set of genetic material of an animal, plant or other living thing. This direct manipulation works by using modern DNA technology. This ââ¬Ëinvolves the introduction of foreign DNA also known as synthetic genes into the organism of interestââ¬â¢ or curiousity. Genetic engineering does notRead MoreHow Does Internet Affects Student Study Habits738 Words à |à 3 PagesThey make the life of people especially students easier and more productive. Most schools of today have online subjects and an online course which is a good example that it is really indeed affects the study habits of a student. For students they can keep track of the newest trends that is the so called IN for the week or for the month or even what is the tending topic of the day. Aside from using the Internet for educational purposes it may also serve as a stress reliever (somehow) because signingRead MoreThe Use Of Online Discussion Boards ( Odbs )1682 Words à |à 7 Pagesboards (ODBs) in undergraduate and graduate curriculum has increased as technology permeates daily life. Learning material is no longer being transmitted solely via the traditional lecture format (Billings and Halstead, 2012). The widespread development of technology, especially in the areas of high-spee d internet, social media, and communication, allows educators from many disciplines to implement new and innovative teaching strategies to promote student learning and involvement. One such strategy
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